Thursday 12 June 2014

The Power Of Instinct - Bishop T.D. Jakes on Oprah's #LifeClass #CTA101

Whether you call it following your heart, a gut feeling, a hunch or intuition, some things you just know.

You don’t even know how or why you know, you just do. INSTINCT, this inner knowledge bubbling up from a wellspring of wisdom within, not only helps you survive but can also help you thrive. Living by instinct is as natural as a lioness stalking her prey or knowing when you’re doing what you were born to do. Unfortunately, many of us often spend our lives living out of sync with this internal rhythm. We do what we’re trained to do, what we’re asked to do, or what others need us to do—all the while, feeling restless and unsatisfied, wondering why fulfillment eludes us.

Until now...

(The Naturalness Of Instinct) 

(Intellect VS Instinct)

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