Sunday, 15 June 2014

The Father Blessing - Simon Mbevi #CTA101

There is a desire in every human being to be blessed by a father. Every boy grows up with one question in his heart: Do I measure up? Am I man enough? Will I succeed when it matters – as a fiancé, in my career/business, as a husband, or as a dad? Do I have what it takes? Boys play Superman or Rambo or Jack Bauer or Karate kid. Their dream is to be a man who has/is with it. That is why the greatest fear of every man is the fear of failure. And the most significant person to a boy to answer that question is the man who is supposed to be his hero: DAD. The desire for a boy or man to connect with his father is to get that validation or approval from his source.

It is different for girls. A girl’s primary occupation as she grows up is being attractive for relationship. Captivating. Irresistible. To be wanted. That is why hair, shape and skin are big for growing girls. Beauty has a high premium. Girls play the bride as little kids. A girl wants to know whether she will be loved, accepted, appreciated as a person and admitted into a secure relationship. The greatest fear of a woman is to be rejected or abandoned by the one she has given her love or heart to. It is the fear of a failed relationship.

Read Genesis 32: 22 – 31.

Notice the following:

Verse 24 – Jacob was left alone in a reflective night. What had been his pursuit, and what had defined him in the search for blessing went ahead of him.

A man, God, wrestled with him – At daybreak, the man touched the socket of his heap. He needed to be broken – to realize that he needs God to satisfy his hunger. He then switched from a struggle into a cleave: I need you, my true dad. I am in need of a blessing. Bless me, Dad! I will not let you go unless you bless me, Jacob declared. (In your heart of hearts, you are looking for a dad blessing. You are fighting off lust, addictions, low self-esteem, feelings of failure… You are looking for what you didn’t get – a blessing)
The Blessing – What is your name? Jacob. Well said, your name will change from today. This is who you really are, Israel, a prince. You have a destiny. I know your name. Your dad may have excluded you from the blessing, but you are at the center of my plan. Please tell me your name; I want to know you! Then he blessed him there. Finally he gets the blessing he has been searching for.

Whatever your father wound, there is hope. You have a father who wants to bless you. Jesus came here to introduce us to the father. He was without a father on earth, in a sense (Joseph was a surrogate dad). When it was time for him to hit the road and pursue his life’s purpose, he went to John the Baptist for baptism.

Read Mark 1: 9-11.

The voice of the Father blessed him by stating 3 things:

1. You are my son – you belong. You have identity in me. I take responsibility for you. I am committed to you. You can always count on me, to be present through your life mission. I am a son of God.

2. Whom I love – I love you unconditionally. And always will. It is my decision; it is not about you. This gives you security and acceptance.

3. With you I am well pleased – I approve of you. I affirm you, validate you. I am proud of you. I KNOW you can and will make it. I am cheering you. I am smiling at you and always will.

Every child needs 3 things from dad, or else he/she will spend a lifetime searching for them:
2.Unconditional love and acceptance
3. Validation or approval.

In spite of your dad experience, your heavenly dad meets your need. That voice was not just for Jesus. It is for you. Receive it. Accept the blessing.
That is the father blessing we all seek for. You have it now from the father of all creation. He knows your name, loves you for free and for good, and is proud of you. Receive the blessing.

I have a DAD who loves me and believes in me!

God is spirit, and we are flesh and blood. We all long for a father figure down here, one who can hug us and communicate this blessing. What would happen, if each one of us received this blessing from God? If you believed that in spite of your dad wounds, your heavenly dad loves you, believes in you and has a plan for you? I believe we shall experience a rare confidence, the needed freedom and a fearless resolve to change the city, take the continent and change the world. This is our call: To turn ordinary people into fearless influencers. A fearless influencer is a man or woman walking in the blessing of our dad.

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