Wednesday, 11 June 2014

Bupe - A Pharisee's Perspective #CTA101

The heart that honors God recognizes the need for God.

Written by +Bupe Christopher+Haimie Armide Merid, Zelealem Mekonnen and Bezawork Mengesha
Performed by Christopher Bupe and Haimanot Armide
Produced, Mixed and Mastered by Desmond Bosire
Additional vocal arrangement by Ben 'Gittx' Gitau
Alien Nation Music 

A Pharisee's Perspective - The Album Trailer (

As I make this statement I do realize how much I have sidelined God in so many ways and relied more on my abilities and talent to get by. How ironical. You see for a very long time I have spoken more about God than I have directly to Him. I have spoken more about religion than I have about God and instead of worshiping God, I have worshiped religion. 

This religious system has kept me so busy doing activities for the God I profess that I have barely found time to stop, listen and spend time with Him. Evangelizing has not been about winning souls for Christ but rather about a personal checklist to boost my ‘spiritual ego’. I have preached about the Gospel as my Bible gathered dust on the shelf, spoken about sexual and emotional purity with no intention of staying pure myself, played with a girls heart with no intention of loving her back and spoken about true love with no intention of acting it out. 

However, I'm now on a journey of discovering who God is, this time with my religious mask off. Embracing brokenness as I allow God to work in and through me. It is not easy I must say but then again it is not impossible. I saw this on a Tshirt somewhere “God is looking for spiritual fruit not religious nuts” I concur.

What would happen if followers of Christ actually followed Christ and not religion?

What would happen If we opted to live out the scripture/numerous verses we have memorized?

What would happen if the non believer saw Jesus in our day to day living and not just in our words?

I now understand this; whether a drug addict or sober, promiscuous or virgin, straight or gay, atheist or church bishop, pharisee or not, one thing remains for sure.. we are all in dire need of Gods love and grace. God loving me has nothing to do with my ability to love him back, matter of fact I do not hold that capacity to love God back.

So dear friends, as I make this journey from a modern day pharisee to a modern day follower of Christ, I invite you to join me.

I am hereby honored to present to you #APhariseesPerspective #CTA101

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